SHM tel. +31 162 450232  Cad/Cam Integral for mechanics  Vessel calculations
Vorselaar 12 mail  SHM/Cad/Cae      for electrical   ASME
4907 LK Oosterhout
 ArchiCad               for building  prEN 13445  (Euro norm)
The Nederlands
design, material lists, budget spec.  Stoomwezen


Cylindrical shells with or without nozzles  T branch connection
Conical shells with or without nozzles  Tube sheets 
Conical shells with knuckle with or without nozzles  Flange connection
Spherical shells with or without nozzles  Horizontal cylinder on two saddle supports
Dished covers with or without nozzles  Weldolet calculation
Unstayed heads with or without nozzles  Assessment of vertical pressure vessels
Unstayed flat walls with or without openings  Skirt calsulation
Nozzle local load Anchorage with circular base
Cylinder - cone junction Bellows expansion joint
Material database

Not all calculations are available for every one code